BT60-100 PORTABLE CORE DRILLING MACHINE GASOLINE ENGINE For cutting core sample from asphalt, concrete and other materials in roads, runway, and structures. Only vertical drilling position. Supplied with built-in water trap. BT60-110 Gasoline Engine Core Drilling Machine Drive by 5 HP, 4 stroke BT60-114 Gasoline Engine Core Drilling Machine Drive by 8 HP, 4 stroke
Kami memproduksi dan menjual Material Testing Equipment ( Peralatan Uji Bahan ) yang meliputi : Test Tanah ( Soil Test ), Test Beton ( Concrete Testing ), Test Asphalt ( Asphalt Testing ), Aggregate Testing, NDT ( Non Destructive Test ) for Concrete Silahkan Menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan informasi selanjutnya. Salam
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