• Sieve Analysis

    Sieve Analysis

  • Concrete Pocket Penetrometer

    Concrete Pocket Penetrometer

Portable Core Drilling Machine
Portable Core Drilling Machine

BT60-100 PORTABLE CORE DRILLING MACHINE GASOLINE ENGINE For cutting core sample from asphalt, concrete and other materials in roads, runway, and structures. Only vertical drilling position. Supplied with built-in water trap. BT60-110 Gasoline Engine Core Drilling Machine Drive by 5 HP, 4 stroke BT60-114 Gasoline Engine Core Drilling Machine Drive by 8 HP, 4 stroke

Sieve Analysis
Sieve Analysis

AT20-100 SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM E 11, AASHTO T 27 Made of brass or stainless steel frame, seamless. The wire mesh mounted on the frame without distortion. Fine mesh made of stainless steel, coarse mesh made of brass

Concrete Hammer Test
Concrete Hammer Test

CONCRETE TEST HAMMERS MATEST ASTM805, BS1881-202 CT59-100 CONCRETE TEST HAMMER TYPE N ASTM C 805 Normal type, supplied with a calibration curve, rubbing stone and a strong plastic carrying case. Work best on 1250 to 8500 psi (10 – 70 N/mm2) concrete Weight approx 1,4 kg


Kami memproduksi dan menjual Material Testing Equipment ( Peralatan Uji Bahan ) yang meliputi : Test Tanah ( Soil Test ), Test Beton ( Concrete Testing ), Test Asphalt ( Asphalt Testing ), Aggregate Testing, NDT ( Non Destructive Test ) for Concrete Silahkan Menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan informasi selanjutnya. Salam

Sembada - Material testing Equipement


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